A hash table is a data structure that provides a fast way to store and retrieve data based on key-value pairs. It uses a technique called hashing to map keys to specific locations (or "buckets") in an array.
Key Components of a Hash Table
- Hash Function:
- A function that takes an input (the key) and converts it into an integer (the hash code).
- The hash code is then often mapped to an index in the underlying array using a modulus operation to ensure it fits within the array bounds:
index = hash_code % array_size
- Good hash functions minimize collisions by evenly distributing keys across the array.
- Buckets:
- Each index in the array holds a bucket that can contain one or more key-value pairs.
- If multiple keys hash to the same index (a collision), the bucket might use different techniques to resolve this, such as chaining (using linked lists) or open addressing.
- Collisions:
- Occurs when two keys produce the same hash code, leading them to be stored in the same bucket.
- To handle collisions, common strategies include:
- Chaining: Each bucket contains a list of all items that hash to the same index.
- Open Addressing: When a collision occurs, the algorithm looks for the next open slot in the array to store the new key-value pair.
Operations on Hash Tables
- Insertion:
- Compute the hash code of the key and map it to an index.
- If there’s a collision, apply the collision resolution strategy to store the new key-value pair.
- Search:
- Compute the hash code of the key and find the corresponding index.
- Check the bucket at that index to locate the key. If chaining is used, traverse the list to find the corresponding value.
- Deletion:
- Similar to search, locate the key using its hash code, find its position, and remove it from the bucket.
- Time Complexity:
- Average case for insertion, search, and deletion: \(O(1)\) (constant time).
- Worst case (due to collisions and poor hash function): \(O(n)\), where \(n\) is the number of entries in the hash table.
- Space Complexity:
- \(O(n)\), where \(n\) is the number of key-value pairs.
Advantages and Disadvantages
- Fast average-time complexity for lookups, inserts, and deletions.
- Efficient memory usage in many cases.
- Poor performance in the worst case if collisions are not well managed.
- Complexity in designing a good hash function.
- Requires a good balance of load factor (ratio of number of elements to the array size) to manage performance vs. space. A high load factor may lead to more collisions and slower performance.