Types of Enumeration

Host Enumeration

The enumeration of hosts is one of the first tasks you need to perform in the information-gathering phase of a penetration test. Host enumeration is performed internally and externally. When performed externally, you typically want to limit the IP addresses you are scanning to just the ones that are part of the scope of the test. This reduces the chance of inadvertently scanning an IP address that you are not authorized to test. When performing an internal host enumeration, you typically scan the full subnet or subnets of IP addresses being used by the target. Host enumeration is usually performed using a tool such as Nmap or Masscan; however, vulnerability scanners also perform this task as part of their automated testing.


User Enumeration

Gathering a valid list of users is the first step in cracking a set of credentials. When you have the username, you can then begin brute-force attempts to get the account password. You perform user enumeration when you have gained access to the internal network. On a Windows network, you can do this by manipulating the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, which uses TCP port 445.

$nmap --script smb-enum-users.nse <host>


Group Enumeration

For a penetration tester, group enumeration is helpful in determining the authorization roles that are being used in the target environment. The Nmap NSE script for enumerating SMB groups is smb-enum-groups. This script attempts to pull a list of groups from a remote Windows machine. You can also reveal the list of users who are members of those groups. The syntax of the command is as follows:

$nmap --script smb-enum-groups.nse -p445 <host>

Network Share Enumeration

Identifying systems on a network that are sharing files, folders, and printers is helpful in building out an attack surface of an internal network. The Nmap smb-enum-shares NSE script uses Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (MSRPC) for network share enumeration. The syntax of the Nmap smb-enum-shares.nse script is as follows:

$nmap --script smb-enum-shares.nse -p 445 <host>

Additional SMB Enumeration Examples

The system used in earlier examples (with the IP address is running Linux and Samba. However, it is not easy to determine that it is a Linux system from the results of previous scans. An easy way to perform additional enumeration and fingerprinting of the applications and operating system running on a host is by using the nmap -sC command. The - sC option runs the most common NSE scripts based on the ports found to be open on the target system.

NOTE You can locate the installed NSE scripts in Kali Linux and Parrot OS by simply using the locate *.nsecommand. The site *https://nmap.org/book/man-nse.html* includes a detailed explanation of the NSE and how to create new scripts using the Lua programming language.

Web Page Enumeration/Web Application Enumeration

Once you have identified that a web server is running on a target host, the next step is to take a look at the web application and begin to map out the attack surface performing web page enumeration or often referred to as web application enumeration. You can map out the attack surface of a web application in a few different ways. The handy Nmap tool actually has an NSE script available for brute forcing the directory and file paths of web applications. Armed with a list of known files and directories used by common web applications, it probes the server for each of the items on the list. Based on the response from the server, it can determine whether those paths exist. This is handy for identifying things like the Apache or Tomcat default manager page that are commonly left on web servers and can be potential paths for exploitation. The syntax of the http-enum NSE script is as follows:

$nmap -sV --script=http-enum <target>